A wonderful review from Heather Tomoyasu... and two days left to enter the "Bye-Bye Summer Baby Bonanza Giveaway"! Read what this US-Japan Fam has to say about Bitybean, and find out details of the 11-product package giveaway here: http://us-japanfam.weebly.com/1/post/2013/09/giveaway-product-review-bitybean-child-carrier.html
Bitybean News
An awesome review from blogging mom Heather Tomoyasu of Brooklyn!
Pictured here with her little guy Kenzo. Plus, she's hosting a giveaway! "Bitybean has cured me of my dread of taking mass transit alone with my baby!! THANK YOU BITYBEAN!!!" http://us-japanfam.weebly.com/1/post/2013/09/giveaway-product-review-bitybean-child-carrier.html
Here's a great photo of Jaime of In The Know Mom and her daughter taking Bitybea...
Here's a great photo of Jaime of In The Know Mom and her daughter taking Bitybean on a hike... and they're both staying cool and comfortable Click the link to find out more about Jaime's hike and the rest of her review, and enter to win a Bitybean of your...
Nicole D. of Squishie baby and her little one take on New York City...
Spotted here in Columbus Square. Where will Bitybean allow you and your kids to explore?
Happy Wild Wednesday!
Lovable lemurs on-the-go to cheer up your day :)