This week is what we're all about, because babywearing means Happy Babies, Healthy Babies, Confident Parents, Loving Caregivers, plus Comfort and Convenience. Read more about the benefits here: International• Happy Babies. It’s true … carried babies cry less! In a study published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers found...
Bitybean News
Love this photo!
This father-son duo cruises all over town in style :) Thank you for sharing, Nicole!Photos of BitybeanA little back babywearing!
Love this photo!
This father-son duo cruises all over town in style :) Thank you for sharing, Nicole!Photos of BitybeanA little back babywearing!
Check out our latest photo shoot!
We're thrilled with our latest photos- beautiful families photographed with their Bitybeans, by Sam Simon Imaging. Take a peek at the album from Shelburne farms!! couple of shots from the Bitybean shoot the other day. Really glad to have hooked up with these guys.
Bitybean is proud to be an IBW Gold Sponsor!
Bitybean is proud to be a Gold Sponsor for International Babywearing Week, from October 7-13. Visit the Babywearing International, Inc. page or their website (link below) to find out how to participate in your city, and you'll get carried away too!! #2013IBW Babywearing Week Get Carried Awaybabywearinginternational.orgThe landing page...