Join Bitybean in Burlington to help local women and families in tough situations. Its women helping battered women.
Bitybean News knows the answer! knows the answer!Timeline PhotosQ: What's smaller than a water bottle but can carry a baby? A: @[104085133062371:274:Bitybean]! Check out this awesome new review at
3 month old twins Bitybeaning at the Burlington Babywearers monthly meeting. Not...
3 month old twins Bitybeaning at the Burlington Babywearers monthly meeting. Not too many carriers could successfully accomplish this...
Comparison: Bitybean, 8oz. "The World's Lightest Child Carrier" 11oz.
Comparison: Bitybean, 8oz. "The World's Lightest Child Carrier" 11oz.
Now introducing... social media for products. Rant, rave, and rally around the p...
Now introducing... social media for products. Rant, rave, and rally around the products you love. Its still in Beta so don't overwhelm them yet!! - Homewww.rallyin.comPlease login or signup to participate. Hover over any post to see its creator's bio (consumer or company) Click on a post to see...