Rachel of 529 On A Dime brought Bitybean along for her (adorable) baby's first flight. Read Rachel's tips for traveling with a little one, and how babywearing can make traveling so much easier! http://bit.ly/Zd3BIbLas Vegas: Travel Day! | 529 On A Dimewww.529onadime.comToday was the big travel day and the baby’s...
Bitybean News
Check out our award in Fit Pregnancy Magazine Buyer's Guide, coming out in their...
Check out our award in Fit Pregnancy Magazine Buyer's Guide, coming out in their April/May issue. Selected as "Best Value" among the 6 carriers reviewed!! http://www.fitpregnancy.com/buyersguide/carriers/bitybeanBitybean - Fit Pregnancywww.fitpregnancy.comWeighing in at a mere 8 ounces and compact enough to be rolled into the size of a water bottle, the Bitybean...
Another happy dad! This is 3 month old Sam and his dad Tony... in the Ultratech...
Another happy dad! This is 3 month old Sam and his dad Tony... in the Ultratech Bitybean from our Indiegogo launch last fall, now delivered!!
Hooray! Bitybean has been featured in The Giggle Guide! bit.ly/10jKKMV
Hooray! Bitybean has been featured in The Giggle Guide! bit.ly/10jKKMVBitybean is a Small Wonder | The Giggle Guide™ - The Grapevinethegiggleguide.comBitybean bills itself as the Cleverly Compact Child Carrier and satisfied customers attest to its practicality and ease of use. This carrier is smaller and lighter than any soft-sided carrier...
What's your favorite Bitybean color? Want to let everyone know that the Sky blue...
What's your favorite Bitybean color? Want to let everyone know that the Sky blue and Sand grey are shipping this week and the Lime and Carrot will start shipping later next week. Who would have guessed that the launch color would be the last to arrive!?!