Happy Friday! Here's a great weekend activity. What an awesome Dad! Way to get out there and Alex Deal thanks for the pic! Too Cute!!!
Bitybean News
Never under estimate the value of your pediatrician they will be with you for a...
Never under estimate the value of your pediatrician they will be with you for a long time! Checkout some helpful hints from The Bump http://bit.ly/1egPnk4 and BabyCenterhttp://bit.ly/1nl3zfJ Happy choosing!!!
So excited for another little bean into the world!! Congratulations to our great...
So excited for another little bean into the world!! Congratulations to our great friends Seth and Lisa, and welcome little Asher!Mobile Uploads
Happy Monday to all! We are excited about our upcoming shipment and taking advan...
Happy Monday to all! We are excited about our upcoming shipment and taking advantage of the peace before its arrival. There is still time to pre-order so surf on over to Bitybean and check it out!
From Burlington, Vermont to Seattle, Washington one of the easiest winter sports...
From Burlington, Vermont to Seattle, Washington one of the easiest winter sports to get back into with your little ones is snowshoeing. Just dress them up and tuck them inside your jacket. Temperatures will be warmer this weekend so why not give it a try?