Happy #Easter Everyone! Hope you all had successful #Egghunts and are enjoying this gorgeous afternoon with your families. #bitybeanlove
Bitybean News
Another happy baby! Thanks My Mama Adventure for the share! May you all take som...
Another happy baby! Thanks My Mama Adventure for the share! May you all take some great walks this weekend. Timeline PhotosM and I have been on a #babywearing kick this weekend! We're loving the @[104085133062371:274:Bitybean] carrier so far and today we tried it out in a back carry. The weather...
Whoo hoo we are in a new store! Thank you Gayle from @Gigi's Corner at Mint Jule...
Whoo hoo we are in a new store! Thank you Gayle from @Gigi's Corner at Mint Julep Market in Hunstville, Alabama for the share. We hope all our friends down south stop in!http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-0/p100x100/1014363_10152384875344540_4036949531554317561_a.jpgMint Julep MarketGigi`s Corner welcomes a new product that is sure to make new parents lives a little...
Hey all of our Boston Buddies the count down to Drool Baby Expo has begun. We...
Hey all of our Boston Buddies the count down to Drool Baby Expo has begun. We will be looking for you there May 7! To make it even better Droolbabyexpo.com will be giving away cool baby items each week leading up to the show. Sweet!! Look forward to seeing you...
Do you see an Easter Egg hunt with hats and coats in your future, or something w...
Do you see an Easter Egg hunt with hats and coats in your future, or something warmer?